Due to the current weather conditions, Landesgalerie Niederösterreich is closed.
Thank you for your understanding!
Opening in 2019, The State Gallery of Lower Austria is a spectacular new museum building in Krems. This new dynamic location for Austrian art combines the State Gallery of Lower Austria’s holdings with important private collections and reacts to contemporary issues with themed and personal exhibitions. The building by the architects marte.marte attracts everyone's attention, arouses emotions, creates visions for urban space and provides new possibilities for interaction.
The project #MyMuseum - My State Gallery of Lower Austria asks: How do Lower Austrians imagine their new state gallery? What do you wish for and expect of your new museum? As part of a unique participation project, future visitors can create and present their vision of the State Gallery of Lower Austria.
A model of the museum - The Bernhard - is available exclusively for this purpose. Before pieces by Egon Schiele, Oskar Kokoschka or contemporary artists are exhibited at the State Gallery of Lower Austria, the museum space will be made available to Lower Austrians for their creations.
The Bernhard, named after Bernhard Marte of the State Gallery of Lower Austria’s architect duo marte.marte, is a cardboard DIY model of the museum that can be self-assembled. 250 Bernhards will be distributed for individual design in Krems and Lower Austria as part of #MyMuseum.
The participation project’s main objective is to promote the exchange and cooperation of local communities and international partners for the State Gallery of Lower Austria. It also aims to highlight that the State Gallery of Lower Austria will be a place for all people and their ideas.
You want to be part of #MyMuseum? We are looking forward to receiving your message!
Isabell Fiedler
E MyMuseum[at]
T +43 2732 908010-173
M +43 664 60499173
Photo: Florian Schulte
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